How to Install
System Requirements
Maschine MK3 or Maschine+ (with latest version firmware)
Ableton Live 11: Version 11.3 or later (all editions)
Ableton Live 12: Version 12.1 or later (all editions)
Setup Guide
1. Download Script from GitHub
Download ZIP file from Releases section on GitHub repository.
2. Import Template into Controller Editor
Before doing things about Ableton Live, You need to import template.
Open Native Instruments Controller Editor and select device on left-top menu.
Once device showed up, click Edit > Open in right sidebar.
Select template file in Template folder depends on your device what you use.
If you use Maschine MK3, select CustomMaschineMK3.ncm3.
Or if you use Maschine+, select CustomMaschinePlus.ncmp.
Click imported template to activate and close the Contoller Editor.
3. Place Script inside Ableton Live
Copy CustomMaschineMK3 folder into C:\ProgramData\Ableton\Live Suite 12\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts
(This is example, actual location is different if you use other version or edition.)
Use Show Package Contents on Ableton Live app file, then navigate to Contents > App-Resources > MIDI Remote Scripts.
Copy CustomMaschineMK3 folder into MIDI Remote Scripts.
4. Setup Control Surface on Ableton Live
Turn on your Maschine and enter to MIDI mode.
On Maschine MK3, just press SHIFT
to enter MIDI mode.
If you use Maschine+, you have to switch to Controller Mode first.
How to Switch to Controller Mode on Maschine+
After switching to Controller Mode, press SHIFT
same as Maschine MK3.
Open Settings window on Ableton Live and navigate to "Link, MIDI & Tempo" tab.
Select CustomMaschineMK3 from Control Surface drop down menu.
Input and Output ports are set to Maschine MIDI ports. Select Maschine MK3 Ctrl MIDI on Windows, or select Maschine MK3 (just device name) on Mac.
5. Enjoy Your Session
LEDs and displays show up like this picture if you have done these steps properly.